LGBTQ+ at Baker McKenzie
BakerPride supports the Firm’s commitment to maintaining and improving equality outcomes in the Australian offices for all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer+ (LGBTQ+) people. We are focused on ensuring that sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression are no barrier to progression at our Firm.
The Australian BakerPride strategy is focused on raising awareness and engagement at three levels:
- Our People: ensuring we have an inclusive culture supported by networks, programs, transparent processes and development opportunities that allows all our people to thrive and progress irrespective of sexual orientation, and/or gender identity and expression.
- Our Clients: ensuring we develop and strengthen relationships with clients who openly identify as LGBTQ+ or as allies. This includes creating networks and identifying opportunities for people to come together and providing opportunities for discussion and learning.
- Our Community: engaging with LGBTQ+ community groups or organisations that promote LGBTQ+ inclusiveness. We focus on youth mentoring, volunteering, health and legal rights for those in the community to improve LGBTQ+ equality.
BakerPride has recently been involved in providing training to the Firm about gender identity and expression, facilitating a World Pride yarning session with First Nations peoples, and running various events for Sydney Mardi Gras and Pride.