Thank you for participating in our Baker McKenzie 2021 Summer Clerkship recruitment process.
Please read these instructions carefully before attending the Virtual Panel & Networking evening.
Joining our Virtual Panel & Networking Evening
- The event will commence at 5:00 pm with a virtual panel, hosted by Anthony Foley and Andrew Stewart, featuring our panellists, Simone Bridges, Alastair Gourlay, Gillian Woon, Kathleen Jeremy, Gareth Austin, and Belinda Goh.
Use the "Join Virtual Panel" button under the event introduction on the virtual event home page (by clicking here).
- At 6:00 pm the panel will conclude and you are invited to join Zoom video booths dedicated to each of our practice groups.
Please join our practice groups' Zoom booths via the virtual event homepage.
Use the "Join Booth" button under the practice area descriptions to join the booths.
We encourage you to visit as many practice group booths as possible with your videos on throughout the evening to network with our Partners and Associates and hear more about our areas of practice. You will be able to ask questions verbally or via the Zoom meeting chat function.
- The event will conclude at 8:00 pm.
Your Buddies & help on the night
Each Zoom booth will be hosted by one of our Graduate/Junior Associate Buddies. Our Buddies will also be circulating around the event to ensure that you are effectively networking within our practice group booths and will be on hand answer any logistical questions you might have. Our Buddies can be identified by their "Buddy" Zoom background.
If you have any difficulties during the networking portion of the evening or have any questions, please click on the "Need Help?" booth.
Download Zoom
We’ll be using Zoom to power the video calls during the virtual event. Download the app for PC, Mac, Android or iOS in advance so there’s no delay in joining the sessions.